Overwatch 2: Everything We Know So Far

We layout all the details and everything you need to know about the upcoming sequel of Overwatch, the Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2 will be the sequel to Overwatch but not in a way that we expect from a sequel game. Overwatch 2 is more of a major update to the game that changes the game’s core aspects. In Overwatch 2, PvP will mostly be the same and the content will focus on expanding the PvE system. This also includes a new story mode that we believe would put every hero stories in their places. It’s going to be like connecting the dots so players can fully understand what’s the main story of Overwatch.


Overwatch 2 will also include new heroes including Sojourn, a Canadian woman with a gun arm. In her highlight gameplay trailer, Sojourn is capable of super jump slides which indicates that she’s a damaged hero with mobility. With that in mind, Blizzard has also indicated that Echo will be the last hero released for the Overwatch game. If we guess it right, Blizzard ‘s timeline indicates that the next update will not be a hero but the Overwatch 2 contents. After that, Blizzard will be back to release new heroes yearly.

Overwatch 2 Release Date

As much thorough digging of confirmation, there is still no confirmed release date for the Overwatch 2. At the previous BlizzCon 2019, Blizzard mentioned that Overwatch 2 was still in early development. According to Jeff Kaplan, Blizzard has not yet indicated any release date for the said game. Furthermore, the company simply wants to make things great instead of rushing it. Ensuring that there are tons of content in-game for the players to keep playing.

However, on a deleted Tweet by PlayStation Brazil, Overwatch 2 is set to be available on PlayStation 4 in 2020.

In a direct translation of the post, PlayStation Brasil posted “2020 will be the year that Overwatch 2 arrives on PS4, and to prepare, we talked to some of its developers, who gave us hot information.” The post was then taken down.

Overwatch 2: What is it exactly?

As we already have mentioned above, Overwatch 2 will be the sequel to the game, Overwatch. However, it’s not a sequel that most of us would expect such as it to be a stand-alone game. It’s more of a major content update for the original game that focuses more on story mode, PvE content, have more in-game story, dialogue, and cutscenes that further explains the plot of Overwatch.

As a teaser found on the gameplay video, the game will have multiple new heroes, a new mode called push mode, new maps, a new hero talent upgrade system that promotes new different ways to play, and all Overwatch contents will be carried over.

That’s about it for now and we will be sure to keep you updated with the latest information about the Overwatch 2. In terms of pricing, Blizzard has not yet released any information regarding about the pricing of Overwatch 2.