
Bloodborne Remaster Coming For PC And PS5…According To Rumors

Rumors about the game, Bloodborne, being remastered and ported to PC as well as PlayStation 5 is going haywire like wildfire this weekend. Thanks to a streamer called CaseyExplosion who offered to donate $100 to any racial justice charity in exchange for some insider information about the state of the game and the future of it.

The Twit was then followed by another Twit from the same account saying that she not only knew that the game, Bloodborne, will be remastered but it will also be coming to PC. She also claims that she knows who was developing it.

Coming from the same account, another Twit was later on posted claiming and confirming that the game will be remastered and is definitely happening. However, the Twitter account did not state nor shared any information on how she got this information. She does, however, claim that she got the news from a reliable and trusted source inside Sony.

Coming from the same Twitter account, she also confirmed that Bloodborne will not only be ported to PC but it was scheduled to be announced at the PlayStation 5 event which was originally scheduled on June 4. However, Sony postponed the PS5 event out of solidarity with the protests against police brutality, racial discrimination, and racial injustice in the United States.

Despite hiding some facts about the said rumor, CaseyExplosion also claims that she knows who was handling the game. However, a video on YouTube was uploaded later on verifying all the Twits from CaseyExplosion. The video was uploaded by PC Gaming Inquisition stating that the development of the game was being handled as a joint effort between Bluepoints games, of Shadow of the Colossus remake fame, and QLOC, the people behind the Dark Souls Remastered.

Various industry analysts were quickly onboard and have started sharing details of the upcoming Bloodborne Remastered edition.

Apparently, Bloodborne Remaster will have better textures, models, loading times, support for 60FPS, 4K Ultra HD, and Ultra-wide monitor supports. Furthermore, the video also claims that the game is coming to Steam.

The Tweeter account, Nibel, goes on to explain that due to the upcoming Horizon: Zero Dawn PC Port, which was scheduled to be released on summer 2020, said that it will not be unusual to see an influx of Sony blockbuster and exclusive games make be ported to Steam.

With all of the information posted above, there have not been any single verified or confirmed info about the said rumors. After all, it is said and done, all of these are still rumors. At the present, until we hear any form of an announcement from the rumored developers themselves, we will just have to wait and see on the upcoming PlayStation 5 event. Unfortunately, Sony has not yet announced or released the reschedule date of the event.

And in case you are wondering, Bluepoint is still working on Demon’s Souls Remake.

But in our honest opinion, the chances of the game, Bloodborne, to be ported on PC and remastered is very likely. We are basing our conclusion on the fact that a PlayStation 4 exclusive game such as Horizon Zero Dawn is already set to be up and running for the PC platform in Summer 2020.

By Nielzx

Work smart, play hard, and stock your library with titles you won't be playing anytime soon.

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